Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Muted E
Overdriven Guitar

FX 4 (atmosphere]

Overdriven Guitar

Overdriven Guitar

Guitar Fuzz
Overdriven Guitar

Rythm Overdub
Overdriven Guitar

Acoustic Bass

Lead Vocals
Tango Accordion

Double Vocals
Tango Accordion

Octave Vocals
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Harmony Vocals
Overdriven Guitar
Code Mon key get up get co ffe Code Mon key go to job Code Mon key have bo ring mee ting with bo ring ma na ger Rob Rob say Code Mon key ve ry di li gent but his out put stink his code not func tio nal or e le gant what do Code Mon key think Code Mon key think may be ma na ger wa nna write god damned log in page him self Code Mon key not say it out loud Code Mon key not cra zy just proud Code Mon key like Fri tos Code Mon key like Tab and moun tain dew Code Mon key ve ry sim ple man with big warm fu zzy se cret heart Code Mon key like you Code Mon key like you Code Mon key hang a round at front desk tell you swea ter look nice Code Mon key of fer buy you so da bring you cup bring you ice you say no thank you for the so da cause so da make you fat a ny way you bu sy with the te le phone no time for chat Code Mon key have long walk back to cu bi cle he sit down pre tend to work Code Mon key not thin king so straight Code Mon key not fee ling so great Code Mon key like Fri tos Code Mon key like Tab and moun tain dew Code Mon key ve ry sim ple man with big warm fu zzy se cret heart Code Mon key like you Code Mon key like you a+lot Code Mon key have e very rea son to get out this place Code Mon key just keep on wor king to+see your soft pre tty face Much ra ther wake up eat a co ffee cake Take bath, take nap This job ful fi lling in cre a tive way such a load of crap Code Mon key think some day he ha ve e very thing e ven pre tty girl like you Code Mon key just wai ting for now Code Mon key say some day, some how Code Mon key like Fri tos Code Mon key like Tab and moun tain dew Code Mon key ve ry sim ple man with big warm fu zzy se cret heart Code Mon key like you Code Mon key like you